Everything that we do is made possible through your prayer and generosity. Thank you for supporting this ministry. You can partner with Family Church to serve our community with ministries for the whole family! Your consistent giving allows Family Church to budget and minister to our community. Consider recurring donations when making your giving plan.


  • Text to Give - NEW! You can now give on your mobile phone by Texting An Amount (Example: 100) to 84321. After a simple setup, you will be able to safely and conveniently on the go!

  • Give Online - Online giving is safe and convenient through STRIPE. Click the button below to contribute a One Time Gift.

  • Recurring Donations Online - Want to give recurring donations online? You can do so here. Recurring donations allow you to give even when you're unable to be at a worship gathering. Recurring donations are of great benefit to the church as it helps the church with maintaining a consistent budget. Another option for recurring donations is to set it up through your personal Bill Pay system. However you choose to give, you’re making a difference.

  • Give By Mail - Mail your contribution to this address:

    Family Church
    1586 Duello Road
    Lake Saint Louis, Missouri 63367

  • Give At Gatherings - You can still give at each worship gathering as well! Feel free to utilize our giving envelopes on each row or pick up one at the Welcome Center!